Merry Christmas!!! For Christmas this year, I got myself a new digital camera - a Canon T2i Digital Rebel. Both Brian and I are in love. So now I get to share with you the first few pictures off of the camera. Up above is cutie pie Evan - look at his eyes. I love how blue they are.
Speaking of blue eyes...big brother has awesome ones!
This is a kid that could spend all day long spinning with his cars while listening to music. I don't know how he does it because I feel like puking after just one spin!
Happy boy!
Little boo who I couldn't keep out of the tree! This kid makes a beeline for it every chance he gets! It's really cute to watch him inch worm his way over there.
Two cutie pies sitting on the couch on Christmas Eve waiting for Daddy to come home with the pizza!
Can you see his chompers?
Their first tub together - Success!!!
Keirans Christmas Eve pajamas. We each get a new pair every year on Christmas Eve. We've been doing it for the past 4 Christmases.
Opening his stocking on Christmas morning and finding all the Bob the Builder die cast cars I bought him off of Ebay.
He lined them all up as he was taking them out. In the background is the ever present Rat. His favourite toy and best friend!
The chaos that was our living room after all the toys were opened! It still pretty much looks like this 3 days later!
Christmas day is the perfect day to try to climb the stairs for the first time!
The turkey! We (and by we I mean Brian) brined it for about 7 hours so that when it cooked it would be nice and juicy and taste wonderful. And it did.
Daddy carving the turkey.
Grandpa cutting Keirans hair. Uncle Derek, Savannah and Papa showed up just as he was starting so the haircut had to be abandoned for a few hours.
Savannah opening her presents from Grandma and Grandpa G.
Keiran painting his car piggy bank that he got from Grandpa and Grandma G. He had fun!
The finished product. I swear we've spent this whole day trying to get Keiran to remember that it's a "K" that we put on there. We're a little behind in the alphabet department.
Keirans bed in his new room, which was the toy room. Now it is his room indefinitely while we try and sort out a few sleep issues with Mr. Evan
Talk about spoiled toy wise eh?
Mr cutie pants in the exersaucer in the hallway as we were transitioning the bedrooms.
All the toys that are being put away for the time being. Too small for Keiran, too big for Evan. Craziness!
The new setup in Evans room. Comfy!
Little boo playing on the musical chair in Keirans new room.
And that's our Christmas told through pictures! So many new toys for the boys, Keiran hasn't even had time to play with them all yet. We have very generous families! Now we're just trying to settle back into a normal routine and get things cleaned up before Brian goes back to work. I think a few trips tobogganing and to the library are in our future but for the most part we will be lying low. I hope everyone had a great Christmas!