Gah look at that snow!!! And this picture was taken after we had a day or two of nice weather so there was a bit of meltage. Apparently we are close to breaking the record for amount of snow in January. It's been a little crazy.
This is the front yard where Brian made a little path for Keiran to play in. We are going to have some serious snow mold!!!
More path
The end of the path. Anyone want to come and play?
The middle of the path and the lying down snowman we made. With all this snow, it just hasn't been the right kind to turn into a decent snowman.
Mr. Snowman. Using the kit I bought earlier this year at superstore.
A little boy who's been having a great time playing outside!
I'm guessing that this car isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Keiran thought this car was pretty funny.
Lying in the snow having a great time :)